Sunday, March 10, 2013

After All This Time.

After forever, I have finally decided that it might be a good idea for me to start blogging again, not that I was ever that avid with it anyways. Well, except for with Xanga, because that was as legit as AIM as a 12 year old. One of my roommates is incredible at keeping up with her blog and it makes me feel like a definite under achiever.


I live in Appalachia (App-a-latch-a), more specifically in Wyoming County, West Virginia. I am surrounded by mountains, rivers, and all sorts of trees that will be turning green any day now. I work for a non-profit that fixes homes in the county and through it I have met incredible volunteers and families.

Sometimes my job is like this:

But most of the time it's pretty awesome:

Though, this is also an accurate fact:

I have three fantastic roommates/co-workers who make my days great, a church branch who loves on me constantly, and I get to serve people in one of the most gorgeous areas in the world.

If only I was closer to the amazing family that I have and my fantastic friends who are still great enough to keep in touch during my stint in no man's land. Having no cell phone service has been tough to get use to, but I'm starting to wonder if I will ever be so connected to one again once I'm back in the land of Cell Phone Reception.

But I do get little miracles and spurts of awesomeness. Like Friday when I drove to Beckley to get groceries for our new volunteers. Not only was it a beautiful day, the windows were down, I had a great driving playlist, caffeine, and I finally found the one thing I wait the entire year for STARBURST JELLY BEANS. Be still my soul, that was a perfectly happy and content Amber Renee.

A lot of other really great moments and memories have already happened here over the last few months, and I am positive that many more will take place before my Fellowship is done. Also, with a new found love for tumblr, I will have to do a lot more gifs. They make my life almost as happy as pinterest does.

Love, Blessings, & Rockets,

1 comment:

  1. Amber, you incredible girl you,
    Your job sounds really hard but ever so rewarding. I'm so glad you're doing well! Utah misses you!
