Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Like A Boss.. Reppin' ASP in Charleston

Yesterday I got to head to Charleston for Wyoming County Day with Carly. It was an incredible experience and it was so cool to be representing an organization that I care so much about.

My day started at 5 AM, I got to finally dress up for work! We left by 6:15 and after a quick turn around for Carly's name tag we were on our way. The drive was filled with the Avett Brothers, Mumford & Sons, snow, and gorgeous scenery. It's hard to be crabby and tired when your drive is absolutely gorgeous.

We figured out where the guest parking was for the Capitol Building AND where to jump on the shuttle so we wouldn't have to walk numerous blocks to get there. It was pretty impressive. A kind lady in the building showed us how to get to the Upper Rotunda and we set up our table. I don't want to brag, but I think it was the best one there!
                                                Also, we looked mega awesome and classy.

 We met lots of representatives from various organizations and businesses around Wy. Co. and made plenty of new community contacts that I am so stoked to form a relationship with. My favorite happened to be a Public Affairs guy from a coal company, when he offered us money this was my initial response,
After composing myself, and having a conversation with a woman from one of the Community Colleges in Wy. Co., I have started formulating a plan to get community members serving community members, which would definitely inspire some hope here. I hope it all works out, though it might not since every time Carly and I saw him after that we tried to be super flattering,

Though we were REALLY trying to be genuine friends with him as well, there are few people in Wyoming County our age that we relate to. But this is probably an accurate representation of his reaction,

Besides the Coal guy, we met the people in charge of the Wyoming County Historical Museum, who are willing to open the museum for tours to our volunteers! We met women from other non-profits who will be amazing to work with, and one of the Head Honchos for the Hatfield and McCoy Trail Tours. He offered us a free day tour on ATVs!
 I am so beyond stoked for this future venture. I've realized that if you work at a non-profit that is benefiting the community, if you make an effort to be a part of the community and make friends, you will receive lots of perks. Oh, but I forgot the best part! We made a fantastic and new friend who is ONLY TWO YEARS OLDER, and very very awkward. He worked in the basement of the Capitol building and caught our attention by making fun of how two state senators were walking ahead of him. He continued to make awkward statements, tell us about his life, and teach us how to make secure passwords. It was great to laugh that much, and to have a great conversation with a human being who actually realized and accepted his awkwardness.

After hanging out in the Capitol Building, we were invited to the Governor's Mansion! How many people do you know that get to go chill with the governor in his mansion?!? Well, I am now one of them.

We toured the mansion, loved the music, hung out with our new friends/community contacts, and ate lots of "heavy hors d'oeuvres." It was a beautiful and magical experience. There was pasta that was served out of a  WHEEL OF PARMESAN CHEESE! Talk about the greatest experience ever. 

The drive back was uneventful, but I would like to think that Mary and Nicki were definitely jealous of all the swag we got. We received super nice (and huge) umbrellas that say "Wyoming County" on them, neon cups from the EDA, a Wy.Co. sticker, and seat cushions. Talk about hitting the jack pot!

After waiting so long for Wyoming County Day, having it be over is kind of depressing, but it has been so cool to be emailing and planning things out with my new friends. Ironically, Carly and I have gone back to our casual work attire, sporting snapbacks, hoodies, and jeans, very different from our fantastic business attire yesterday.
Look at the pretty, gold roof! It really is the most beautiful Capitol Building that I have ever been in, or seen.

Obvious Happy Note: We get an Easter Break and will be leaving Wyoming County on Thursday, Carly and I have been doing our happy dances and high-fiving as often as we remember!

I just loved every one of these dances! But our roommates always look at us like this,
They don't understand what it's like to be from the Great State of Michigan, and the Awesome Town of Kalamazoo. If they did, they'd want to come back with us too!

If you have successfully made it through my extremely long blog, CONGRATULATIONS! I am quite happy about life and wanted to fill everyone in on the awesomeness that is surrounding me!

Love, Blessings, and Rockets,

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