Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Reading

One of my favorite things of Summertime is the fact that I am able to catch up on all of the books I tend to buy over the school year. (It's funny that after three years I am still convinced that I can find time over the Semesters to read) I've already reread books from my youth, along with this fantastic book called "I Don't Care About Your Band"

It was so funny and I saw so much of my dear friends in it. I found it like "He's Just Not That Into You", except better and so much more believable, real to life. I definitely recommend it to those who seek a fantastic read about bad relationships and good advice, BUT only if you don't care about reading things that aren't exactly clean.

I have so many other books to read on my list! I am finishing "The Advanced Genius Theory" today, which is an interesting argument about the new kind of 'Genius' because our society has grown so attached to the word and it's overuse has led to it's ruin. Hence, the new phrase and the theory that has been developing for the past 15 years, you can check out their blog at to learn more. It mainly focuses on pop culture, which probably makes sense on why I like it so much! I, also, need to finish 1,001 Arabian Nights, I've been reading it for a while, but there are soooo many stories, it gets so overwhelming, especially when the tales are over 40 pages long!

I will definitely keep you all updated on my fantastic reads of the Summer! They make me so happy! I have been taking Stats this Summer, at 7:30 a.m., I can't stand the time, but the instructor is entertaining and I do love my designated nap time after class. I should do fantastically on the class, but I cannot wait for it to end!